Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Good Evening guys!
My holidays are over! Now, back to biz. It was a refreshingly fantastic time I had in Kerala, my birth place. The mesmerizing backwaters, captivating greenery, pristine mountain mist, incessant rain..... Wow! I miss them all!!!!

 Anyway, let's get down to biz. Let's get blogging!!! To start with, let me try to help you out with a few common English words mispronounced by Indian speakers of English. Never forget to leave your comments which in turn will keep me in high spirits. Read on..........

BRITAIN = The correct pronunciation of this word is /brit.n/ . But in India, especially in north Indian states, this word is wrongly pronounced as /britein/. That is, the second syllable 'tain' is unnecessarily stressed and lenghthened as in 'maintain'(/meintain/). Of course in the word 'maintain', the 'tain' part must be pronounced with a long stress, but not in 'Britain'. To make it simple, the 'tain' in 'Britain' should be pronounced in the same way it is pronounced in 'certain'.

Here are some more mispronounced words in India:
(Please consult a standard dictionary or pronunciation software to listen to the right pronunciation!)


1 comment:

Pooja said...

Hello Jacob ji,

I hope you are very well..I am glad that you restarted your habit of blogging..keep up the great job.....
