Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tonic for improving your spelling!

Mnemonics is a system which uses certain patterns of letters, ideas, or associations to help a person to remember something. It is extremely useful for the learners of English to memorize the spellings of confusing words.

Many people are often confused about the spellings of 'stationary' and 'stationery'. It can be sorted with the help of a mnemonic. Stationery has er in it as in the case of paper. So stationery refers to paper, pencil etc!

'Grammar' is another word which many people spell as grammer. Try this mnemonic: ‘Grammar is an art of using a language correctly’. Link the ar in grammar with art!

Another widely misspelled word is 'arithmetic'. This word is often misspelled as arithmatic because of its resemblance with the more common word mathematics. So, what is the way out? Learn this simple sentence which is a funny full-form of arithmetic: 'A Rat In The House May Eat The Ice Cream!'

And the next one is ‘separate’. It is often wrongly spelt as seperate. Why don’t you try this interesting mnemonic? There was a farmer named Sep. One day his wife saw a rat. She yelled – “Sep, a ratEeeee!”.

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