Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Don't submit your biodata!

Biodata is the most preferred term for Indian job-seekers when it comes to applying for a job. This term is the shortened form for biographical data. Biodata is a single word and it should not be written as 'bio data' or 'bio-data'.

Biodata focuses a lot on the personal details such as the date of birth, sex, marital status and so forth whereas a resume or CV emphasizes on professional skills and academic excellence. The reason perhaps could be that the looks, age, cast, colour and creed are weighed higher than the academic achievements and professional expertise in India!

Just as in the case of a CV, the academic qualifications and professional experience are arranged in chronological order in a biodata. Followed by them, a biodata lists the hobbies, interests and other activities of the person which are seldom included in a CV or resume.

These days, however, there is a tendency among many people besides Indians to include such particulars as age, sex, religion etc in their CVs but this is neither required nor considered in the burgeoning US job market!

(for details on ‘resume’ and ‘curriculum vitae’ and their differences from biodata, read the blogs which I posted yesterday and the day before yesterday)

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