Tuesday, November 23, 2010



These exercises show you (if you are going to take IELTS) how to develop a single piece of idea into a beautiful medium-sized paragraph which is content-rich, informative, and above all, result-oriented.

Although television is extremely helpful in the field of education in multiple ways it affects the young people in some destructive ways too. How?

The following sample paragraphs demonstrate only how to develop body paragraphs, not the introductory or concluding paragraphs.

Central idea of the paragraph: Attention from studies diverted.....
To begin with, television takes the attention of students away from their studies. Fun-packed and entertainment-oriented programmes which are aired on various channels have been attracting more number of young viewers than ever before. American Idol, Big Boss and Indian Laughter Challenge are a few classic examples for this widespread phenomenon.

Central idea of the paragraph: Misleading content.....
In addition, frequent exposure to vulgar content in many TV shows adversely affects the young minds. It is an undeniable fact that young people are more vulnerable to get misled. Such content on TV injects distorted sexual fantasies into the budding minds which lead to increasing number of sexual harassment in schools, colleges and work places. To exemplify, ______, ______ and ______ have already turned many talented children into spoilt brats.

Central idea of the paragraph: Cause aggressiveness, accidents etc.....
Apart from this, television programs can even cause fatal accidents. There are a number of such TV serials which propagate rash driving, improbable stunts and so forth as heroic deeds. Young ones, unaware that such feats are performed by experts with all the safety precautions, try to imitate them in real life, endangering themselves and others. For example, so many children lost their valuable lives after watching such programs as _____, ______ and ______.

Sentences underlined    : TOPIC SENTENCE (usually 1 sentence)
Sentences italicized      : EXPLANATORY SENTENCE (usually 2-3 sentences)
Sentences in bold         : EXAMPLE SENTENCE (usually 1-2 sentences)


Pooja said...

Dear Jacob ji,

Nice and detailed outline of a good paragraph. It should be referred to IELTS aspirants. I must say can be a great help to them.

Keep up the great job!!


Unknown said...

Hello sir, u did not tell these tips when I as a studying in Nova Campus:-(