Tuesday, April 13, 2010


An EMBEDDED QUESTION is a question which is included in a sentence or another question.

For example, let's take a normal question: "Where will the meeting take place?". Now let us consider another sentence too: "We hven't decided".

Now, let's see how to embed the first question in the second sentence?
"We haven't decided where the meeting will take place?"
Note that it should not be, "We haven't decided where will the meeting take place?"

As we all know that there is usually an auxiliary verb between the question word and the subject in a normal question.

Where will the meeting take place?
What are you doing?

When has she left?
Why did he talk? etc.

But in embedded question, the position of the auxiliary verb is after the question word and the subject, as in:
I don't know where the meeting will take place.
We don't care what you are doing.
They have no idea about when she has left...etc.

Also note that while writing an embedded question, the question mark must not be used.

More examples:
Normal question: Where is my pen?
Embedded quest: Smith doesn't know where my pen is.
 Normal question: Who am I?
Embedded quest: The cops asking me who I am.

Normal question: What should she say?
Embedded quest: She doesn't know what she should say.

Thank you for your visit today.
Jacob (Nova English Campus)

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