Monday, December 19, 2011

Suffering from disturbing porn-links on your Facebook wall?

Clickjacking is a malicious technique of tricking Web users into revealing confidential information or taking control of their computer while clicking on seemingly safe web pages.

For example, you find a link on your Facebook wall saying, “Click to know who viewed your profile today”, “Know who deleted you from friend list”, “Who is your secret admirer on Facebook” etc or it can even be a tempting porn link. You click on the link and you are clickjacked! Such links normally take you to another step of action such as clicking on a button etc. Out of your curiosity you keep doing exactly what the hacker wants you to do, ending up in compromising your valuable confidential information such as username, password and so on.

Once you are clickjacked, the embedded malicious code on the link takes control of your account (Facebook, Twitter etc) and starts sending porn or gore links to many of your friends randomly and repeatedly, forcing your friends to think that you are doing all this!

If you are already facing this problem of being accused of sending porn links to your friends on Facebook, there is a solution:

  • Go to the Account Settings drop-down menu in the upper right side of your screen.
  • From the Account Settings drop-down menu, choose Privacy Settings.
  • On the bottom right side of the Privacy Settings Page, click the Apps & websites link "Edit your settings."
  • On the App page, next to "Apps you use," select edit settings.
  • There you will see the third-party apps that have access to your Facebook profile. Delete any rogue applications. (It's a good idea to check this setting regularly – at least once a week.)
If you are already being looked down upon or humiliated by your friends because of this, change your password immediately besides changing the above-mentioned stetting. Then send an apology (preferably a private message) to all your Facebook friends who may have been tagged, and advise them to do the same.

Simply resharing "ATTENTION FRIENDS, WARNING FRIENDS" stuff will not work!